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  • 2021年12月22日
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  • 遗产规划

One of the greatest gifts you can give your loved ones is an estate plan designed specifically for your family. 当你花时间和我们的 遗产规划律师, 你可以主动探索一份遗嘱, 授权书, trust 和 other documents that will serve your loved ones for decades. An estate plan also can be key to avoiding 遗嘱认证 in 印第安纳州.

现在是考虑遗产规划的时候了, while you’re healthy 和 have time to talk to your heirs about your inheritance decisions. There are many reasons why people want to avoid 遗嘱认证 – it can be lengthy, 昂贵的, 对幸存的家庭成员来说压力很大. With a few simple steps, you can minimize the impact of 遗嘱认证 or avoid it altogether.


遗嘱认证 is a legal process in which a court determines whether a will is valid 和 authentic, 然后管理它. 遗嘱认证 also refers to the process in which the estate of someone who dies without a will is reviewed 和 divided among beneficiaries based on 印第安纳州遗嘱法. Another word for dying without a will is dying “intestate.“如果没有意志, the administrator will oversee the collection of a deceased person’s assets to pay remaining liabilities before beneficiaries receive their share.


The attorneys at Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law Firm would be glad to explain the options 和 benefits of an estate plan. There are several estate planning tools that can help you avoid significant aspects of 遗嘱认证, 从而简化和流线型的过程. 有些资产可以完全避免遗嘱认证. Following are some important documents that are often part of an estate plan:

This is the most basic end-of-life document that lays out your wishes for the distribution of your assets, 包括房地产, 车辆, 家具, 家族的传家宝, 珠宝, 和其他贵重物品.

This grants someone the legal authority to act on another person’s behalf in the event he or she becomes incapacitated 和 unable to make financial decisions. The person who draws up the POA 和 for whom it is made is known as the principal while the person who is selected is called the attorney-in-fact or the agent.

This grants someone the legal authority to act on another person’s behalf in the event he or she becomes unable to make health care decisions. This document goes farther than a living will 和 may be used in conjunction with one. 也称为医疗保健代理.

This is for couples who have minor children 和 want to name individuals to serve as guardians should the parents die unexpectedly. 把这些放到文档里, it allows a couple to discuss their decision with the guardians they have chosen 和 even the children, 在适当的时候.

There are many kinds of 信托基金 that could benefit your family – the most basic of which are 可撤销(生前)信托不可撤销信托. Things like real estate 和 other major assets can be placed in a trust, thereby avoiding the 遗嘱认证 process 和 going directly to heirs when you pass away. 还有专门的信托,包括:

  • 宠物的信任 -为心爱的动物提供食物
  • 特殊需要信托基金 – provides for the future financial needs of a disabled child or family member
  • 数字资产信托 – gives instructions about what to do with your digital technology, 包括电脑硬盘, 数码照片, 存储在云中的信息, 以及Facebook等社交媒体账户, Instagram和Twitter.

This document sets out your medical wishes should you undergo anesthesia, 进入昏迷状态, or otherwise become incapacitated 和 unable to make medical decisions. This is where you articulate the extent to which you wish to be resuscitated, 或者如果你想要一个DNR(不要复苏).

This document lists the beneficiaries of bank 和 brokerage accounts, 人寿保险单, 养老金, 以及其他投资. While beneficiaries are typically identified when an account is opened, it’s wise to have a single document in your estate plan that lists all beneficiaries for every account. This allows you to collect all the information in one place.

虽然不是具有法律约束力的文件, a letter of intent is a place where a person can add additional instructions to heirs about the preferred use or dispensation of assets. It’s also a place where you can give specific instructions for your funeral 和 burial wishes.

这份文件列出了你所有重要的文件, 以及 where they’re located whether that be in a safety deposit box, 书桌抽屉, 或者是一个邮政信箱. 这些重要文件包括:

  • 人寿保险单
  • 养老保险文件
  • 结婚证书
  • 出生证明
  • 离婚记录
  • 股票、债券和共同基金
  • 银行账号
  • 车辆名称及登记
  • 不动产契约


There’s no specific amount of time that every 遗嘱认证 process takes to complete. Suffice it to say, though, that it can often take many months. Not only does this tie up assets for a significant period, but it’s also 昂贵的 because you may be paying attorney’s fees to complete the process.


If you have questions about 遗嘱认证 or would like to talk to an attorney about creating an estate plan, the lawyers at Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law Firm would be glad 帮助. 我们的 杰斐逊维尔遗嘱认证律师, Clarskville的遗嘱认证律师 以及 新奥尔巴尼Corydon遗嘱认证律师 have decades of experience helping individuals 和 families create unique plans designed to fit their specific needs. Creating an estate plan is one of the greatest gifts you can give your loved ones. To find out more about how we can help, call us at 812-725-8224.


律师史蒂夫·兰登在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, Steve Langdon is an experienced elder law 和 trial attorney. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, including living wills 和 health care surrogate designations. [ 律师生物 ]


代码片段: The drawbacks of DIY trust 和 estate planning documents include inconsistencies, 缺乏灵活性, 资产遗漏, 模糊的规定, 而且他们可能不遵守你所在州的法律. In addition, they lack proper consideration for future challenges 和 opportunities. 

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