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Category: Criminal Defense

What Happens After Your First DUI?

All DUIs are serious, 但是法院对待你第一次酒驾的方式和对待你再次酒驾的方式是不同的.  Any DUI should be a wake-up call to a driver.  It’s time to ask yourself if you have a problem with alcohol, 或者你只是在一次晚宴或职业聚会后做了一个糟糕的决定,在那里你喝了太多的啤酒或葡萄酒. 如果你想知道在你第一次酒后驾车后会发生什么,请继续往下读,找到有价值的信息.  在你被指控酒后驾车后,了解你的责任和权利将有助于你做出符合你自己最大利益的积极决定. Most importantly, you should be represented by a ...

Is a DWI a Felony or Misdemeanor in Indiana?

COURTS COME DOWN PRETTY HARD ON DWI CASES, BUT EXACTLY HOW HARD DEPENDS ON WHETHER IT IS A MISDEMEANOR OR A FELONY. 如今,法官和陪审团对酒后驾车的司机越来越不宽容了, and so is the public at large.  但是,酒后驾车究竟是由于一个晚上的错误选择造成的,还是长期的酒后驾车造成的,会对量刑产生很大的影响.  Generally, if you’ve received one DWI arrest, 这将被归入轻罪类别,除非有人严重受伤或死亡,或者车内有未成年儿童.  On the other hand, 如果你在过去五年内有过一次以上的酒后驾车犯罪记录, you wi ...

What Happens at a Misdemeanor Initial Hearing?

If you’ve been charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, or a DUI without bodily harm, you are likely facing a type of charge called a misdemeanor. 这类犯罪被认为比违规更严重,但没有重罪那么严重. Especially if this is your first run-in with the criminal legal system, you are likely scared, embarrassed, and uncertain as to what to expect — when you head to court and beyond. What happens at a misdemeanor initial hearing? What sort of punishment will I receive? How do I ensure the best possible outcome of my case? Your first priority should be to secure legal representation. The New Albany misdemeanor lawyers at Church, Langdo ...

How Much Can I Get in a Car Accident Settlement?

With millions of car crashes every year in the U.S. ——包括数以万计的死亡和数不清的受伤——你会认为应该有一个简单易用的公式来确定你在车祸中可以得到多少赔偿. The reality is far from simple. Liability, or who is at fault for the wreck, must be determined. 你受伤的总费用和与事故有关的工资损失必须计算出来. And when the insurance company does offer a settlement, 谈判是确保你得到你应得的最大补偿的必要条件. 如果你因为别人的粗心驾驶而在机动车事故中受伤, a New Albany car accident lawye ...

Understanding the New Criminal Justice Bill

During the fall of 2018, 国会投票通过了一项新的两党刑事司法法案,被称为“第一步法案”. 该法案的目标是改善全国联邦监狱的条件,解决与毒品有关的犯罪和类似犯罪的大规模监禁问题. 虽然很多人认为美国的刑事司法系统还有很多需要改变的地方, there is still much to like about this bill. The First Step Act: What Does It Do? Specifically, 《bet9九州体育登录线路》引入了几个允许囚犯获得“积分”的项目,这些积分可用于减刑或进入释放前羁押/家庭改造 ...

Mediation Can Help Bring Legal Actions to an Early Conclusion

The legal system has become so complex, 耗时和昂贵,各方通常非常努力避免使用它. After a civil lawsuit is filed, negotiations may ebb and flow, but the vast majority of Indiana lawsuits are resolved through settlements, not verdicts after trials. 这些都是你在电影和电视中看到的结局——现实通常远没有那么戏剧化. 调解是使用中立的第三方来帮助当事人协商解决方案. At Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law, Larry Church, Jason Lopp和Dana Eberle不仅为卷入诉讼的客户谈判和解, but they also work as mediators in other cases. There are many benefits to s ...

Introduction to Indiana Drug Laws

印地安那州管制危险物质(CDS)犯罪如何分类取决于持有或销售, the type of drug and amount. No matter the possible crime, 如果你知道你正因此类犯罪被调查或被逮捕, 你需要找一个刑事辩护律师来最好地捍卫你的合法权利和自由. 印第安纳州根据药物滥用的可能性和它们是否被批准用于医疗用途,制定了五个CDS时间表. Schedule I drugs (including opiates and heroin) have a high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use or are unsafe for use in treatment, even under medical supervision. Schedule II drugs (including morphine and opium) ...

Secret Sources of Information Can Taint a Criminal Prosecution

印第安纳州的刑事辩护律师不能只从表面上看起诉要求和调查中发现的证据. They have to be verified for their accuracy, that they’re genuine and the source of the evidence or claim is legitimate. 我们需要知道证据是否被伪造或非法获取,以及指向其他嫌疑人的证据是否被忽视. 如果是这样,可能会导致控方撤销指控或陪审团裁定无罪. 这在很大程度上取决于检察官是否诚信行事, but unfortunately that’s not always true. Human Rights Watch accuses the federal government of secretly supplying evi ...

Will Kentucky Reconsider How Non-Violent Offenders Are Sentenced?

How should Kentucky sentence low-level drug dealers, thieves and others found guilty of non-violent crimes? Should they be locked up, 安全地与公众隔离(至少在他们被假释或释放之前),或者如果有另一个, better, 这是一种既便宜又有效的方法,既能让这些人负起责任,又能降低他们服刑期满后再次犯罪的可能性? 肯塔基州司法再投资工作组在12月发布的一份报告中提出了22条建议,这些建议可能是新立法的基础,有助于减少不断增加的监狱人口. 报告的作者承认,涉及的“热点”问题太多了 ...

The Fight Against the National Opioid Epidemic and “Doctor Shopping”

在印第安纳州,超过二十分之一的人承认曾使用过非医疗用途的阿片类止痛药. And with similar percentages of Kentucky’s citizens in the same sad predicament, federal, 州和地方执法部门正在全国范围内积极打击这一社会和法律悲剧. 在过去的四年里,18个州已经通过了全面的授权,要求医生开阿片类药物——羟考酮, hydrocodone, 阿普唑仑和其他药物,以及其他受管制的药物来检查数据库,以了解他们的病人是否是从其他地方获得这些药物的成瘾者. 开处方者——主要是医生——可以看到他们的病人正在服用哪些药物,以及他们是否会去 ...