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  • 2021年12月14日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 遗产规划

Many older adults find in their later years that they need long-term care, 是否家庭, 在社区或养老院. 才有资格享受医疗补助长期护理福利, 个人必须符合一定的国家收入和资产准则. Much like the tax laws, the Medicaid laws are filled with exceptions to the rules. 肯塔基州和印第安纳州的平均水平, 在医疗补助计划律师的帮助下, married couples will save 95% to 100% of their assets 和 obtain long term care benefits for the incapacitated spouse. 对于一个人来说, families can often save at least 50% of their aging parent’s assets 和 obtain long term care benefits. 有了提前的计划,一个人通常可以省更多的钱.

来保护你的血汗钱, it’s extremely important to employ an attorney who regularly files for Medicaid benefits for those aged 65 和 older. 的 laws 和 local customs are complicated 和 can be overwhelming for a novice. 错误会付出时间和金钱的代价. It’s critical that you follow the rules exactly, otherwise you risk being denied Medicaid. With facilities in Southern 印第安纳州 和 the Louisville Metro Area costing on average $7,500 to $9,000 /月, 拒绝医疗补助不是一个选择.

One of the most important Medicaid rules is that you cannot spend down your financial resources by “礼物ing” – giving away your money 和 assets to children, 孙子, or others simply to reduce your balance sheet to come in under Medicaid eligibility cut-off levels. 支出削减规则是复杂而精确的, 和 the best way to make sure you navigate the rules successfully is to hire a skilled Medicaid lawyer. 的 遗产规划律师 在教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law are highly experienced in Medicaid 和 in preserving your hard-earned assets. 我们很乐意帮助你.

It’s important to remember the difference between Medicare 和 Medicaid. 医疗保险是由 联邦 government that provides health insurance to older 和 disabled Americans. 医疗补助是由 并为低收入美国人提供医疗福利. 大多数老年人已经拥有医疗保险, but this blog focuses on qualifying for Medicaid benefits in 印第安纳州 和 肯塔基州, 保护你的资产, 还要支付养老院的费用.



A skilled estate planning attorney can evaluate your financial situation 和 guide you through a strategy to preserve your assets 和 qualify for long term care benefits based on Medicaid guidelines. For a married couple, a skilled Medicaid attorney can often preserve 95% to 100% of your assets. 没有完成适当遗产规划的个人, 储蓄通常会减少到资产的50%. If t在这里 is a “spend-down” component to a single person’s Medicaid plan, “消费下降”可以包括购买以下物品:

  • 还清抵押贷款、信用卡债务或汽车贷款
  • 买新房子
  • 更新和修理你现有的房子
  • 买一辆新车来取代旧的
  • 提前支付丧葬费用
  • Spend on medical equipment 和 care not covered by Medicare or Medicaid
  • 购买新的家居和个人用品,比如家具和衣服
  • 增加家庭护理bet9九州体育登录.

如上所述,你不能 礼物 assets to family members or others as a way to get around Medicaid qualifying limits.

美国老龄问题委员会 (ACA) offers a wealth of information about all the things older adults may grapple with.  ACA规定 印第安纳和肯塔基州的医疗补助收入 & 资产的限制 在这里 和 在这里 that can be helpful to older residents wanting a primer on Medicaid eligibility guidelines, 包括“收入”和“资产”的定义.”


Medicaid is the payor of last resort – it pays when t在这里 is no one else left to pay. Medicaid is a needs-based program; if you meet the financial 和 other requirements, 你有权享受这个项目的福利.

T在这里 are certain preliminary requirements to obtain Medicaid eligibility for some or all of nursing home monthly charges. 在肯塔基州, 你需要去养老院, 不是在辅助生活或独立生活或个人护理中. 在印第安纳州, the Medicaid Waiver program may provide you Medicaid benefits for home based or assisted living care. 如果你爱的人住在养老院, both 州 require the Medicaid applicant to reach a level of care called “skilled nursing care.申请人还必须在医疗补助计划的病床上.

的 State allows each nursing home to have a certain number of Medicaid-eligible beds. 如果养老院已经有了医疗补助的配额, 你就不能在那里享受医疗补助. 值得庆幸的是, the Louisville Metro 和 Southern 印第安纳州 areas are filled with superb nursing homes with highly trained staff.

医疗补助的基本理念是养老院的居民, 以及他或她的配偶, should pay for that resident’s nursing home care before the taxpayers are required to assist. Unless you know the rules 和 know how to use them to your advantage, 通常的结果是,如果你一生都在工作, 住仔细, 纳税了, 为退休储蓄, 按规则办事, you will go broke in a nursing home before Medicaid will agree 帮助.

联邦法律并不要求这样的惩罚结果. 国家管理员, 然而, often enforce local customs not found in the 联邦 Medicaid law that results in families losing their life savings to the nursing home.


If you or your loved one is in a long-term care crisis or in need of long-term healthcare 和 financial planning, 我们的遗产规划律师是这个地区最好的律师之一. We help families find solutions to preserve their assets 和 to manage their elder care needs. We regularly apply for Medicaid benefits in 印第安纳州 和 肯塔基州 using legal 和 financial strategies to preserve your assets 和 to gain you 和 your loved ones the healthcare they deserve. 教会的目标, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law is to allow families to remain focused on the most important aspect of aging: enjoying their lives together.

我们在肯塔基州地区设有办事处, 为老年人提供必要的指导 路易斯维尔的遗产规划律师杰斐逊维尔的遗产规划律师. 同样,我们的新奥尔巴尼,科里登和 克拉克斯维尔老年律师 have also helped their neighbors with the challenges faced by aging siblings, 配偶, 父母和祖父母. 当你或你所爱的人进入养老院的时候, you want to make sure that as many of your assets as possible are protected. You can do this by qualifying for Medicaid 和 following the appropriate rules. 我们可以帮你.

To learn more about our estate planning lawyers, you can read their attorney bios 在这里. 你也可以阅读 奖状 来自我们非常满意的客户. We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of client service 和 are committed to open 和 frequent communication.


如果你想了解更多关于医疗补助的资产支出, 教会老练的老年法律遗产规划律师, 兰登, Lopp, 巴奈特·劳很乐意帮忙. We have first-h和 experience with the challenges 和 obstacles to preserving finances when faced with entering a nursing home. 一生的积蓄和资产可能在几个月内消失. T在这里 are legal ways you can prevent this through informed estate planning. 要了解更多关于我们如何提供帮助的信息,请拨打812-725-8224.


律师史蒂夫·兰登在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ 律师生物 ]


代码片段: 的 drawbacks of DIY trust 和 estate planning documents include inconsistencies, 缺乏灵活性, 资产遗漏, 模糊的规定, 而且他们可能不遵守你所在州的法律. In addition, they lack proper consideration for future challenges 和 opportunities. 
