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What Legal Rights Does a Non-Custodial Parent Have?

While divorce is difficult 和 often incredibly emotional, 它的影响远远超出了两个不再希望结婚的成年人的分离. 当涉及未成年子女时,必须做出监护权的决定. Decisions are made based on the best interests of the child. 除非父母中有可能危及孩子的严重问题, 法院通常支持父母双方共同抚养孩子.

Most often, parents share custody in Indiana. 与孩子相处时间较多的父母通常被认为是监护父母. The other parent is the non-custodial parent.

The term “non-custodial” can be confusing. 这可能会导致一些没有监护权的父母认为他们在孩子身上没有合法权利. But that is far from the truth. 无监护权的父母根据监护协议享有监护权和育儿时间权, just as custodial parents do.

Underst和ing Indiana Child Custody Arrangements

To underst和 your rights as a non-custodial parent, 首先,有必要了解印第安纳州的儿童监护权是如何运作的. 国家的监护有两种基本类型:法定监护和人身监护.

Legal Custody

法定监护权涉及对未成年子女作出重要决定的权利, including regarding healthcare, education, religious upbringing 和 other things. 父母可以共同拥有法定监护权,也可以由一方拥有单独的法定监护权.

Physical Custody

当孩子和父母一起生活时,实际监护权赋予父母为孩子做日常决定的权利. Often parents in Indiana share physical custody. 即使实际监护权是共享的或“共同的”(使用另一个常用术语), 这并不一定意味着孩子和父母双方住在一起的时间是一样的. 根据育儿时间协议,父母双方与孩子相处的时间是多少.

Determining Child Custody in Indiana

Indiana Law IC 31-17-2-8 指出监护权是根据儿童的最大利益决定的. 如果父母同意,监护权可以在父母之间决定,然后由法院批准. When parents can’t agree, they might hire a family law attorney 和 let the judge determine custody arrangements. 无论如何,监护安排总是以儿童的最大利益为基础.

当法官受命决定监护权时,他们会考虑一些因素. Some of them include:

  • Ages of children
  • Health of children
  • Parents’ wishes
  • The wishes of children (usually relevant in children over 14)
  • Relationships with parents, siblings 和 others
  • Parents’ physical 和 mental health
  • Whether domestic violence has been an issue
  • Any factor the judge believes is relevant.

Legal Rights of Non-Custodial Parents in Indiana

非监护角色的父母通常担心他们在孩子生活中的参与度会降低. This isn’t true. Non-custodial parents in Indiana have significant rights. And if the non-custodial parent has joint legal custody, the rights afforded to both parents will be very similar.

共享法定监护权的无监护权父母有权平等参与为子女做出重要的长期决定. If you are a non-custodial parent, 您也有权查看您孩子的医疗和教育记录. 理想情况下,监护配偶会定期与你分享这些. 然而,如果情况并非如此,你可以与你的律师合作,以确保访问.

Non-custodial parents have the right to parenting time. Rules for parenting-time schedules are outlined in the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines. 你有权利按照时间表和孩子在一起,不受另一方父母的干扰. 如果不是这样,另一方干扰了你和孩子在一起的时间, you should consider contacting an attorney who h和les parental time cases to look out for your interests.  

Additionally, 如果您认为监护协议的制定情况发生了变化,您有权要求修改监护协议. 也就是说,你修改的理由必须是有意义的. Acceptable reasons for change include relocation, job change with schedule change, or a warranted change from supervised to unsupervised visits. Modifications can also be made as children get older. 他们更喜欢和父母中的一方住在一起,这是可以考虑的.

How Can a Non-Custodial Parent Lose Visitation Rights?

Parenting time, which is sometimes known as “visitation” rights, 如果法官认为这一诉讼符合儿童的最大利益,可以撤销诉讼吗. 以下是一些没有监护权的父母可能会失去育儿时间的原因:

  • Child abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual)
  • Domestic violence in the home
  • Alcoholism/drug abuse
  • Incarceration
  • Inappropriate living conditions
  • Child neglect
  • Threat of kidnapping.

The issues above clearly put children in danger. 如果监护父母认为存在这些情况, goes to court, 和 proves them, 非监护父母的权利可能会被撤销当涉及到养育时间或, in some cases, supervision during parenting time may be ordered. Of course, 如果被证明疏忽或将孩子置于危险之中,监护父母也可能失去权利.

What Legal Responsibility Does the Non-Custodial Parent Have?

With all rights come responsibilities. Like custodial parents, 无监护权的父母有责任在经济上支持他们的孩子并确保他们的幸福. 视情况而定,无监护权的父母可能负责支付费用 child support.

When your children are with you as the non-custodial parent, you’re responsible for making sure their basic needs are met, including a secure home 和 healthy food. 你有责任自己充分监督他们,或者在必要时确保他们得到负责任的照顾. 你也有责任确保孩子能够与父母中的另一方保持独立的关系. 简而言之,你有责任确保你孩子的最大利益得到维护. 你有责任遵守你的监护权和育儿时间命令,不侵犯另一方的权利.

Protecting Your Children 和 Your Rights

我们在Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet律师事务所的资深律师可以提供帮助

如果你认为你的权利受到监护父母的侵犯,或者你正在寻求对监护令的修改, reach out to our experienced child custody lawyers in Jeffersonvillechild custody attorneys in Clarksonville.

Our skilled attorneys spread allthroughout Indiana. 精通这类案件的所有法律问题,您也可以信任我们的 child custody lawyers in Corydon to help you with parenting plans 和 child support.

我们为客户提供高质量的产品而感到自豪, 个性化bet9九州体育登录,保护他们和他们的孩子. Contact our child custody attorneys at 812-725-8224 to schedule a consultation.

Attorney Steve Langdon

Attorney Steve LangdonLicensed to practice in both Indiana 和 Kentucky, Steve Langdon is an experienced elder law 和 trial attorney. In addition to his litigation 和 trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, 信托基金, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, 和 advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]

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